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Who we are
Marketing are theories on textbooks, but marketing campaign is not. The keys to success are always experience and flexibility. We accumulated 10 years of experiences on marketing planning, budgeting, execution and evaluation.
Foreseeing the marketing trend from offline to online, from digital to mobile, we provide all the services following the way with most audiences. Say, all produced webpages are considering the mobile browsers, all placed advertisements are tuned to be displayed to most mobile users- the most active potential audiences in the market.
We are D.A.C.K. Concept. We are always dare to guarantee our service level with quantitative standard. So, do you dare to try?
You can’'t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. - Steve Jobs

Our company logo is a snail .
This snail means a lot to our founder. Here is the story behind in Chinese , please enjoy it.
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